
Twin Alumni Achieve MBAs and Thank OSP for their Positive Impact

Talley Twins

The Office of Special Programs-College Prep has incredible alumni who have achieved undergraduate degrees and beyond. Twins Renard and Ronald Talley are two of these exemplary individuals who joined the Office of Special Programs family in the Spring of 2010. Currently in Tennessee, both Talley twins recently completed a 1-year, accelerated Masters in Business Administration (MBA) and are grateful for the OSP's impact on their educational career.

Renard, a staff accountant looking to take his Certified Public Accountant (CPA) exam, started without a clear vision for his future after high-school. The Office of Special Programs helped by providing the experiences necessary for his college and post-graduate career. Renard recalls the summer enrichment courses specifically because they helped him become more focused and self-disciplined. When asked what effect the Office of Special Programs has had on him, he said he learned that “taking additional measures to improve the outlook of your future shall never be overlooked.”

“There is nothing but exposure and significant opportunities to gain with the Office of Special Programs-College Prep. They are the ideal start for an individual’s success in any career.” - Renard Talley

Ronald, also a staff accountant seeking certification, says that before joining the Office of Special Programs-College Prep, his work ethic was completely different. He was unsure of what he wanted to do and of what he was capable of accomplishing. The Office of Special Programs changed how Ronald viewed education and his future by instilling in him the values of hard work and commitment. By having the opportunity to stay on the University of Chicago campus for the summer, Ronald recalls learning about himself and how he wanted to approach the next level of his life.

“I feel that I have matured a lot since my participation in the Office of Special Programs, specifically in decision making and staying consistent when working towards specific goals.” - Ronald Talley

Even their mother, Lisa Nelson, notices the impact that the Office of Special Programs has made in her sons’ lives. She recalls that their consistency, confidence, and motivation drastically improved after becoming part of the OSP family. As for the program itself, Lisa felt that not only was it hands-on, they were all treated like a family. 

“Raising two kids at one time was difficult. The Office of Special Programs made me aware of the right steps to take for my kids’ education, like going on college tours and learning about financial aid.” - Lisa Nelson

Lisa says that the way her kids turned out has a lot to do with the Office of Special Programs. If they hadn’t done this program, they might not have come out with such dedication, confidence, and work ethic.

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