Featured impact
Inclusive Construction Initiative FY23 Report
Between FY17 and FY23, the University increased its contracting with minority-owned firms from 25 percent to 32 percent on capital projects of $2 million and larger, tremendous growth for a large institution over that period of time.
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Office of Civic Engagement Fiscal Year 2023 Annual Report
The Office of Civic Engagement’s annual reach and impact report from Fiscal Year 2023 includes highlights of our work alongside campus, community, and philanthropic partners to strengthen neighboring communities by supporting youth, small businesses, nonprofits, and civic leaders.
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Eleshaday Mengiste
Collegiate Scholars Program
After taking part in the UChicago Collegiate Scholars Program's many career exploration workshops, high school senior Eleshaday Mengiste's committed to keeping an open mind about her career path when she sets off for Harvard in the fall.
Jae’Lyn Prewitt
Youth Internship Program
After spending her summer at the Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago on the University of Chicago’s campus as part of UChicago’s Youth Internship Program (YIP), Jae’Lyn Prewitt says she's more open to asking questions and confident for college.
Yvonne Welbon
Sisters in Cinema
UChicago’s Community Programs Accelerator has helped Weldon grow Sisters in Cinema by providing leadership development, workshops, assistance with grant applications, and more, all at no cost to the organization.
Joshua Lee
Neighborhood Schools Program Homework Help Initiative
A free after-school initiative, Homework Help has helped high school student Joshua Lee not only with algebra, but with his confidence, too.
Chocolat Uzma
Chocolat Uzma is a retail chocolate shop located in Chicago’s Pilsen neighborhood which specializes in handcrafted, exotic chocolates inspired by its founder’s South Asian culture.
Brady Janssen
Neighborhood Schools Program Homework Help Initiative
In her role as site coordinator for Homework Help, Janssen oversees scheduling with parents, matches participating local students with UChicago student tutors for 30-minute time slots, works closely with community partner teams on site, and occasionally serves as a tutor herself.