Editing for Diversity and Inclusion
Sep 15th, 2020
7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Virtual Event: Editing for Diversity and Inclusion


Chicago, IL

Virtual Event: Editing for Diversity and Inclusion

As society progresses, publishing must keep up with the changes in the ways we communicate with and about each other. Those whose vocations and/or avocations require writing or editing have a responsibility to ensure that everything—e.g., short emails, detailed memos, in-depth reports or white papers, articles, blog posts, full-length book manuscripts—is devoid of language that might be ageist, homophobic, racist, sexist, xenophobic, etc. In this one-hour webinar, speaker Kelli Christiansen will examine the changing ways in which we can better communicate for diversity and inclusion. This UChicago Graham School webinar will consist of lecture followed by a Q&A session.